
A Life-Saving Plea from Rabbi Cohen

Dear Friends,
I hope the summer finds you enjoying a slightly slower pace and that you're getting outside to relax in nature’s world.
I’m writing to you because I need your help. Ours, as you know, is a tradition that teaches “if we save one life it’s as if we’ve saved the entire world.” The majority of the times, this is a powerful theoretical statement that reminds us to value each and every life. But there are times when the statement becomes direct, real and urgent – and this is one of them.
Our Temple member. Valerie Cotler’s brother, Mike, has leukemia and MUST get a bone marrow transplant. Neither his sister, Valerie, or his brothers, Don and Lindsey, are familial matches. The most likely non-familial match will be found within the Jewish community. I know that many of you are already registered with the National Marrow Donor Program, but if you are not, I am asking you to add yourself to it. The good news is that this all-important mitzvah is simple and free.
A simple cheek swab is all that’s needed to put you in the National Marrow Donor Program. Click www.marrow.org/join/index.html?src=tabjoin to register NOW. You could match Mike, or some other patient who needs the gift only you can give. The actual donation process is quick and you’ll barely miss a beat in your life. But you will have saved someone else’s.
Two final requests:
Please forward this to at least seven other friends. If every one of our Temple households would do this, thousands of potential life-savers will be created.
Please don’t walk away from your computer intending to come back and take care of this later, but rather, do it right now.
To all – good health and best regards,
Rabbi Cohen