
Some Updates to "tsti.org"...With More to Come

Over the last few weeks we've been working to make the temple's website easier to use and navigate. Navigation is clearer than ever, with direct links to both schools on the home page. In addition, we have been updating the site to prepare for the new programming year. A good deal has already been done, but please note that this is an on-going process. We hope that these changes will make you more likely to visit tsti.org. Our goal is to make sure that the website is not only the best source for up-to-date information but is also a place for us all to learn about Judaism and the Jewish community and build our TSTI family.

A few elements worth noting --

First, both Religious School and the Preschool will be using Micro-Steps, a new system to give parents access to curriculum information as well as pictures and other ongoing programming from the schools. Because this is a password-protected area, it will allow information to be shared throughout our TSTI community while protecting privacy and confidentiality better than ever. Access to Micro-Steps will be through dedicated pages on the Web site. More information is coming soon.

Second, the site is now set up so that if you visit from a mobile device such as an iPhone or Droid, it will automatically redirect you to a smaller site that is optimized for those devices. TSTI Mobile will include calendar information as well as all of the latest blog posts from the Temple and our schools. (If you visit from an iPad, you will be taken to the regular temple website. You'll notice that on an iPad there are some blank spots on many of the pages. This isn't a website issue but rather the result of using flash technology which the iPad is not able to render. We are working to replace this with newer technology that will let you access from all devices, but that will come at a future date.)

The goal of these changes is quite simple -- we want you to visit and make use of the website more and more. If you have any questions or you find any links that are broken on the website please e-mail and let us know.

Like our temple itself, the website is a work in progress. That means there are always changes being made. We do our best to make sure that those changes all work but every now and then a change may cause other issues that we are not aware of. With your help we can make sure that those issues are quickly resolved so that everyone can access all aspects of the temple's website easily.

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